Radiofrequency Cautery

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rf cautery treatment

Radiofrequency Cautery

Youthful skin is smooth, firm, evenly coloured with no growth. Unwanted growth on the skin not only looks unsightly but makes us look unattractive. This can be treated by Radiofrequency cautery. It is the technology that uses energy to make cosmetic enhancing incisions. Healing is rapid, virtually bloodless and with little or no bruising or swelling.

Various types of elevated skin lesions can affect people. Benign skin lesions like epidermal nevus, sebaceous nevus, DPN, freckles, mole, skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, actinic keratosis, cherry angiomas; Infectious lesions like viral warts, molluscum contagiosum..

rf cautery treatment
The best way to treat all such skin lesions is via Radiofrequency cautery. It is better than surgery and laser, and helps us treat the infected area precisely.

At SPARSH, we possess world’s no. 1 US FDA approved cautery – ELLMAN. It allows smooth and virtually bloodless procedure. Fine tissue cutting also ensures minimal peripheral tissue damage, with rapid healing and no residual scarring.

rf cautery treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Is it a painful procedure?

    No, Radiofrequency cautery is always done under local anaesthesia, topical or injectable.

  • Does it leave a scar?

    Removal of superficial lesions not leave any residue scar, but in deep dermal lesion there will be superficial residual scar.

  • How long will it take to do the procedure?

    From 5 minutes to 30 minutes, according to the number of lesions

  • Are the results permanent?

    Yes, once removed properly, the benign lesions like DPN, freckles, mole, skin tags, seborrheic keratosis etc. doesn’t recur. Infectious lesions like warts and molluscum contagiosum may recur after treatment. They require 2-3 months of follow-up treatment post procedure to remove them completely. Couple of more procedural sessions may also be required in resistant cases.

  • How many treatment sessions will I need?

    As stated above, benign lesions like DPN, freckles, mole, skin tags, seborrheic keratosis etc. require a single session. While infectious lesions like warts and molluscum contagiosum requires two or more sittings.

  • What is the post-operative care I need to keep in mind?

    Clean the area with normal saline: Just dabbing is advisable as rubbing may lead to persistent erythema.

    Apply topical antibiotic cream for a week. Dress with sterile gauze and hypoallergic sticking tape (micropore), which is to be removed after 48 hours, as necessary.

    Systemic antibiotics for 5 days, if multiple lesions are treated and infection is anticipated.

    Sunscreen, if exposed areas are treated.

Dr.Milap Jolapara - Dermatologist in Ahmedabad
Dr. Milap Jolapara
founder of SPARSH MD Skin & VD