Tinea Infections Service

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tinea infections treatment in ahmedabad

Best Fungal Infection Doctor in Ahmedabad

Welcome to Sparsh Skin Clinic, your trusted destination for Best fungal infection treatment in Ahmedabad. With experienced dermatologist and advanced treatment options, we are dedicated to providing effective solutions for various fungal skin conditions.

At Sparsh Skin Clinic, we understand the discomfort and frustration that fungal infections can cause. Whether you're dealing with athlete's foot, ringworm, or any other fungal skin issue, our expert doctors are here to help.

Tinea Infections

Tinea infection (Ringworm) is the fungal infection of the skin.

It is a contagious disease, can spread by skin-to-skin contact, or indirectly through towels, clothes, shoes or floors.

The most commonly affected areas by tinea are flexures like groin (Tinea cruris) and body areas (Tinea corporis) like waist, under fold of breast, axilla and gluteal region. It can also occur on feet (Tinea pedis), hand (Tinea mannum) and in nails (Tinea ungium).

tinea infections treatment in ahmedabad
Treatment of tinea infections include antifungal medication, antiperspirants and maintaining a good hygiene.

Improper and incomplete treatments or use of topical or oral steroids can lead to resistant cases or recurrence of the disease. These has led to increased prevalence of tinea now-a-days.

SPARSH provides a complete steroid free treatment for tinea infection. A complete course of medicated therapy is strongly recommended to prevent recurrence of disease.

In addition to it, a series of preventive steps and precautions are advised for quick recovery and preventing its spread in families.

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Frequently Asked Questions
  • If I ignore my tinea infection, will it go away on its own?

    NO. Tinea is the fungal infection. If you ignore it, it will slowly spread through whole body. It requires complete medicated treatment to clear it up fully.

  • How long will my tinea last?

    If not treated, tinea can slowly spread to different parts of the body. To get rid of your tinea infection, it is best to see your dermatologist at the earliest.

  • With treatment, how long will it take to clear tinea completely?

    It depends on the location, spread and severity of the disease. Usually tinea cruris, corporis (localised) and facei need 2-3 months of treatment. Tinea mannum, tinea pedis and tinea ungium may need 3 to 6 to 12 months of treatment respectively. Extensive lesion with associated eczematization and sepsis need closely monitored long term treatment course.

  • Is Tinea contagious disease?

    Yes, tinea is a contagious disease. It can be transferred by direct contact with the skin of infected people or by indirect contact with items like shower stalls, floors, or contaminated grooming utensils or surfaces.

    So, if you have got the infection, you should avoid direct contact with family members. Refrain from physical or sexual intimacy. Also wash your clothes separately in warm soapy water and dry them under sun.

  • Can animals get tinea infection?

    Yes, animals do get infected with fungal infection. If your pet has patches of missing fur, it could be fungal infection. Check for the signs of tinea infection on your pet and take them to veterinary doctor as soon as possible.

DO’s and DON’Ts
  • Wear clean and dry clothes

    Wear dry loose cotton clothes. Find inner garments which are bit loose and 100 % pure cotton. Make use of fans or air conditioners at night to keep the affected part well ventilated. Wash your clothes, towel, and bedspread in hot water and dry them in good sunlight.

  • Bath twice a day

    Take bath twice a day. Always use lukewarm water. Avoid using very hot water. Hot water favours fungal growth on the body. Wash the affected parts with cold water once you are done taking bath. Always use a fresh dry towel to wipe off water from the body. Make sure skin folds are totally dry before wearing clothes.

  • Make use of your antifungal dusting powder freely

    Use antifungal dusting powder for your skin folds such as underarms, thigh folds, below breasts, and between the toes.

  • Eat healthy

    Eat healthy food, keep your body weight ideal for your height because being overweight or undernourished leads to reduced immunity which increases the chances of acquiring a fungal infection.

  • For diabetics, have a controlled blood sugar levels

    If you are diabetic, check your blood sugar level frequently and make sure your blood sugars are within the normal range because uncontrolled blood sugar is a risk factor for fungal infection.

  • Treat family members if infected

    Ask if any of your family members have a similar fungal infection. If so, encourage them to take treatment.

  • Check your pets for infections

    Check your pet animals for rashes. If there are any, take them to a veterinary doctor for treatment. Dogs and cats are also the sources of infection.

  • Always be treatment compliant

    Always complete the full course of medications prescribed by your dermatologist. Incomplete treatment results in recurrence of fungal infection which is more resistant to treatment.

  • Do not scratch

    Do not scratch. Scratching makes the rash worse. Ask your dermatologist to prescribe anti-itching medicine.

  • Do not wear tight clothes

    Do not wear synthetic clothes, tight-fitting jeans which do not allow air to flow through them and do not wear wet inner clothes. Do not wear inners while at home, just allow air to flow freely through the affected part.

  • Do not share your personal items

    Do not share your personal items such as clothes, towel, soap, or comb with your family members or friends.

  • Avoid OTC medications

    Do not use over-the-counter (OTC) medications for ringworm. Most of these OTC creams contain steroid in them, which gives faster relief from itching but they make the ringworm spread to a larger area and also make the routine treatment insufficient.

  • Avoid home remedies

    Do not use home remedies such as garlic paste to get rid of ringworm. This could burn your skin and leave a permanent scar.

  • Refrain from sexual intimacy

    Tinea is an contagious disease. So refrain yourself from any form of direct contact or sexual intimacy.

Dr.Milap Jolapara - Dermatologist in Ahmedabad
Dr. Milap Jolapara
founder of SPARSH MD Skin & VD